Welcome to my public notion page. This page will document my current incomplete projects and readings. Think of this page as a raw look into what is currently filling up my time.

For final products, please check out my blog that will be up on my website.

<aside> ⚡ Shortcuts 🛰️ Projects ℹ️ Resume 🍵 Microblog



<aside> ℹ️ These are the tech stacks I am working with on certain in side-projects and companies.


All Technologies


💼 Projects

<aside> ℹ️ Projects document working documentation around anything I am currently pursuing. The idea is to work out in the open so people can chime in and explore wherever I am in the process! The end result is usually published to the Blog.


All Projects

📗 Reading

<aside> ℹ️ Projects document working documentation around anything I am currently pursuing. The idea is to work out in the open so people can chime in and explore wherever I am in the process! The end result is usually published to the Blog.


📗 Current Reading

📗 Finished

📗 Recommended